Trials In Tainted Space Rat Thieves

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This is an old video. I didn't upload this video until I get faster internet.But here you go! This episode also features the first time I get Bad Ended!

Rat Thieves Offer Oral accepted +4% Rat Thieves Offer Milk accepted +6% Rat Thieves I'm Poor +5% Rat Thieves Be Nice +11% Rat Thieves/Slavebreaker Predator and Prey (Join In) +1% Rat Thieves/Slavebreaker Predator and Prey (Help Her) +3% Rat Thieves Leave-3% Rat Thieves Punish Them-8%. Online library for easy reading any ebook for free anywhere right on the internet. Listen to books in audio format. Trials in Tainted Space is an erotic, ultimately customizable, textual adventure game. It's a game as much about changing your character and those you meet as it is about exploration and adventure. You play as personalized character bent on making his or her fortune among the stars, starting out with only the ship left behind by a deceased father.



So may the outward shows be least themselves:
The world is still deceived by ornament.
In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt
But, being seasoned by a gracious voice
Obscures the show of evil?

—WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Merchant of Venice[1]

Now the time had come for the ceremonies, so that the changedleadership accomplished by the guns in Dallas would beauthenticated and accepted.

First, there had to be the Great Funeral which, by its majesticdisplay of splendid sorrow, would help to discharge the anger andtension of the people and divert their attention from themurdered man’s actual labors and the motivation for themurder. Then there would be the Great Investigation which wouldease the rational concerns of the people by pointing to theconclusion, after an industrious display of seeking evidence,that the murder of President Kennedy had merely been themeaningless act of a young man with a joyless childhood. The nextritual would be the formal Great Inquiry in which handpickednational leaders, the gray-haired elders of the tribe, would makea solemn study of the tragedy. Then they could assure the publicthat every detail had been investigated and that, indeed, therewas no conspiracy and the United States still had the best of allpossible governments. Ultimately, major installations would bechristened “Kennedy”—a space center, amonstrous airport, a guerrilla warfarecenter—thus demonstrating that America may murder itsleaders but does not forget their images.

The funeral was as magnificent as any ever received by a fallenleader. Ironically—because no President in the twentiethcentury had been so deeply at odds with the militaryestablishment—it was a military funeral. Troops of allservices marched through gray streets to a slow-cadenced drum andbehind the casket clopped a horse with empty stirrups at hissides, a nostalgic reminder of ancient days. Television wasallowed to show the proceedings for countless hours, although itwould not afterward be allowed to show the Zapruder film, whichin six seconds would have revealed to the country what reallyhappened. The nation’s leaders attended, and their facesexpressed sadness—not so much sadness that later they wouldinsist that concealed evidence be shown to the public, but enoughsadness for the occasion. Great dignitaries from all over theworld were there to attend the ceremonies and later to meet withthe new President.

The government investigation which followed appeared to be veryintensive and had the effect of convincing millions ofintelligent Americans that the facts were being exhaustivelyexplored. Upon closer examination, however, thegovernment’s investigation was more reminiscent of Brutusscouring every inch of Rome, collecting material from thecourtyards and the catacombs, in order to try to learn who hadmurdered Caesar. When the historic investigation finally wasconcluded, a great deal of evidence appeared to have beencollected for the public to see. However, upon careful inspectionmuch of the evidence collected did not appear to have too muchrelevance to the murder of John Kennedy.

Included in the trivial “evidence” ultimatelypresented were the dental charts of Jack Ruby’s mother,[2]grammar school records of Oswald,[3] photographs of Russianscenery,[4] irrelevant letters,[5] irrelevant telegrams,[6] picturepostcards showing bullfights,[7] a copy of the proceedings in an unrelated divorce case,[8] a study of Oswald’s pubic hairs,[9]and a traffic citation received by Jack Ruby.[10]

Trials in tainted space rat thieves poison

On the other hand, much evidence which appearedto be significant either had been destroyed while in thegovernment’s control or was classified as secret and lockedin the National Archives until the year 2039.[11]

The notes of Commander James J. Humes, the Navy pathologist whoconducted the autopsy on the President, were burned in hisfireplace for reasons which were never made clear.[12] Theinvestigative notes taken by a federal agent who questionedOswald in New Orleans were later consigned to flames by the sameagent.[13] In each of these instances important information whichmight have clarified the location of President Kennedy’swounds or the relationship of Lee Oswald to the federalgovernment were swept away forever by fire. On the other hand,there is no record of any instance in which irrelevant evidencewas burned or in any other way lost to posterity.

The locking up of evidence until the year 2039 meant that anyonewho was 21 when the assassination occurred would be allowed toexamine the hidden material at the age of 96, assuming that hehad managed to retain an active interest in the case. Thisgenerous concession to the right of the public to know the factsundoubtedly was made because, as would be explained by federalofficials, there was no political motivation behind thePresident’s unfortunate demise. Since there are nopolitical implications to his murder, all the evidence is going tobe made available for you to examine—after seven decades.

Among the files locked away in the archives, where they could notbe examined by the public, were the following: A CIA fileconcerning Oswald’s access to information about the U-2,[14]a memo from the head of the CIA entitled “Lee HarveyOswald,”[15] a CIA file concerning dissemination ofinformation on Oswald,[16]a reproduction of the CIA officialdossier on Oswald,[17]a CIA file entitled “Information givento the Secret Service but not yet given to the WarrenCommission,”[18]a CIA file on the chronology of Oswald inRussia,[19]a CIA file on the activity of Oswald in Mexico City,[20]and a CIA file entitled “Information on Jack Ruby andassociates.”[21]

SpaceTrials In Tainted Space Rat Thieves

As a result of the federal investigation, a total of 51 such CIA files were locked away in the vaults inWashington. Many of the files were classified secret on thegrounds that national security was involved. Was it not a curiouscircumstance that the assassination which had nopolitically-motivated meaning had connected with it so many filesthat could affect the security of the nation if made public?

If an assassination accomplished by an itinerant warehouseemployee produced such precaution in protecting state secrets,would it not be interesting to speculate whether there could havebeen much greater secrecy if the President had been killed as theresult of a conspiracy? More than six years after what we weretold was a lonely act devoid of political significance, a greatvolume of evidence was still classified as secret and locked awayin the National Archives.

Not merely the great quantity of evidence hidden afterward butthe conduct of the government during the investigation indicatedthat something was binding it, that it was not free to inquireinto all relevant areas. The moment President Kennedy’sheart stopped beating the investigative agencies of the UnitedStates government seemed to suffer a substantial decline in theiraccustomed investigative alacrity. The sudden absence of theirtraditional proficiency in dealing with ordinary criminals, carthieves or counterfeiters was indicative of an investigativebody’s encountering uniquely powerful obstacles. In theFBI, for example, agents accustomed to following leads to theirconclusion were required to check out portions of leads and sendthe results in to Washington, after which they were given partsof new leads to pursue.

There are some indications that this strange disability of thefederal investigative apparatus occurred even before PresidentKennedy’s heart stopped beating.

In retrospect, the federal investigation was much less a searchfor facts than a purposeful ignoring of them. When neglect ofinitial information appeared impracticable, the evidence wassystematically destroyed. It would be a mistake, however, toconclude that the investigation was inexpertly performed orpoorly organized. The investigative agenciesseem to have known exactly where not to look and what not tofind. A close study of the post-assassination investigationrequires that the investigation be regarded as nothing less thana continuation of pre-assassination planning.

Despite the shocking impact of the murder of the President of theUnited States, the government took over control of theinvestigation firmly, quickly and smoothly. It had nojurisdiction whatsoever, because the killing of the President wasnot a federal crime, but the federal government took over fromthose who did have jurisdiction. Thus, shortly after theassassination, those local law enforcement authorities havinggenuine legal jurisdiction were, in effect, eliminated from theinvestigation. This meant that no officials with legaljurisdiction were seriously investigating the murder of thePresident of the United States, and it also virtually ended anyrisk that curious local government officials, uncontrolled byWashington, would actually seek any evidence.

Moreover, even before the investigation began, the federalgovernment announced that there had been no conspiracy and allthe shooting had been done by a lone assassin.[22] Ordinarily serious investigations—the kind which actually seek todetermine what happened—occur prior to the announcement ofthe conclusion. In the case of John Kennedy’s murder,however, first the conclusion was announced by the federalgovernment and then the investigation proceeded, thus reducingthe options of the investigative technicians to the single one ofconfirming their employer’s pronouncements. Similarly, themurder of Lee Oswald at the outset of the investigationconsiderably diminished the public interest in requiring evidencethat he was not, after all, the lone assassin.

It is interesting that the first announcement that theassassination was a meaningless, one-man project came notfrom Dallas, where one would expect such knowledge to have beenacquired, but from Washington.[23] Even more interesting is thefact that at the time the announcement was made the evidence backin Dallas still indicated that the President had been killed inan ambush.[24]As late as the morning followingthe day of the assassination the Dallas Morning Newsquoted District Attorney Henry Wade as saying that there appearedto have been a number of men in the operation.[25] As for LeeOswald, at the time of the initial Washington announcement thathe alone was guilty, there was not the slightest evidence back inDallas to give any reasonable support for such a conclusiveannouncement.

It made no difference. The name of the game that was now going onwas not truth. It was power. Dallas officials sensed what washappening and moved back a little farther.

The first official statement that John Kennedy had been killed bythe lone assassin, Lee Oswald, came in a radio message to the newPresident in Air Force One as he flew back toWashington.[26]The good news that there was no conspiracy atall—and that it was, therefore, not a military coupd’état or anything sinister like that—wasradioed to the new Chief Executive’s plane from theSituation Room in the White House.[27]Actually, this radio messagefrom Washington came in a little ahead of time, since there wasnot yet evidence nor even rumor to support it, so that thetransmitters of the message deserve credit for this foresight inknowing so soon what the conclusion of the federal investigationwas going to be.

Back in Dallas, Oswald had been given a paraffin test to see ifhe had on his cheeks the nitrate deposits caused by firing arifle. The test showed that he had no nitrate deposits on eithercheek, a fact which supported the proposition that he had notfired any rifle that day.[28]If Oswald had been allowed to livelong enough to go to trail, the absence of nitrate on both cheekswould have been powerful evidence for his exoneration.

Nevertheless, the announcement was made that the test showed thatOswald, indeed, had fired a rifle,[29]and this incriminating newscircled the world, satisfying hundreds of millions that thePresident’s assassin had been caught.

Similarly, it was announced that Oswald was identified as havingbeen the man who killed Officer J. D. Tippit. This news also flewaround the globe, lending further substance to the picture of LeeOswald as a deranged, ruthless killer. Actually, two eyewitnessesat the scene of the Tippit murder indicated thatOswald was not the officer's murderer. Acquilla Clemons,[30]observed the incident, was firm in saying that Oswald was not theman who killed Tippit. Domingo Benavides, the closest witness tothe shooting, gave a description of the killer which socompletely eliminated Oswald as a suspect that he was nevercalled to the lineup to look at Oswald.[31] This news, however, didnot go around the world. For these reasons, also, had OswaldLived in all likelihood he would have been exonerated.

It was announced to the press that a map belonging to Oswald hadbeen found with marks made at possible assassination points alongthe parade route.[32] This news also rapidly became widespread.Later, it turned out that the map belonged to Mrs. Paine, withwhom Oswald’s wife stayed, and the marks were made to helphim locate addresses while he was job-hunting and had noconnection with the assassination.[33] Understandably, there wasnot too much press propaganda value in the development that themap had no connection with the assassination. By the time thisfact was clarified, Oswald had been murdered.[34]

To the people in the United States and the rest of the world themass media reported that the chicken bones and cigarette butts inthe assassin’s lair showed that Oswald had eaten lunch andsmoked while waiting for the President’s car. It was laterlearned that the lunch had been eaten by Bonnie Ray Williams, aTexas School Book Depository employee, who afterward watched theparade from the floor below. As for the cigarette butts, noevidence was ever adduced that Oswald did smoke. These facts didnot receive the attention of the newswires and publicpresses.

Here are other facts which were barely afforded exposure by themass media:

The official cause of death description of President Kennedy wasmade at Parkland Hospital at 4:45 that afternoon.[35] It statedthat he was killed by a gunshot wound of the temple. The templeis located on the side of the head, slightly above an imaginaryline drawn from eye to ear. Assuming that it has not been movedby government authorities in the meantime, thebook depository, where Oswald was employed, is located to therear of the point where the President was killed.

It is conceivable that Dr. John McClelland, who diagnosed thecause of death as a wound received in the left temple,[36] had hada busy day and had some other patient in mind, but even in Dallasit is unusual to see a President of the United States who hasjust been shot to death, so it is reasonable to expect that adoctor would remember the President’s wounds for a littlewhile. Other doctors at Parkland confirmed that the Presidentappeared to them to have received wounds from the front—notmerely in the head but in the neck as well.[37]

Here are more facts which were not sent around the world.

There was eyewitness evidence concerning the strange movement ofthree cars behind the grassy knoll shortly before theassassination, despite the fact that cars were supposed to bekept out of this area by the police during this period. Thedriver of one of the cars appeared to be operating a radiotransmitter as he drove.[38] Similarly, there was eyewitnessevidence concerning the rapid departure, after the shooting, ofthree men from the rear area of the book depository. Two of themleft in a station wagon so fast that the door was flapping openas it took off.[39]

Richard Randolph Carr, who observed the departure of the stationwagon with two men in it, earlier heard the shooting from thegrassy knoll. Carr had served in combat in the Army in NorthAfrica and Anzio and he knew gunfire when he heard it. The shotswere too close together, Carr said, to be fired by a single man.He saw one of the shots from the knoll miss the President’scar completely and cut a furrow in the grass—thebullet’s path going in a direction from the area in frontof the President’s car toward the rear of the car. Theresponse of federal investigators to this information, as helater testified under oath, was to tell him to keep his mouthshut.[40]

About one hour before the assassination, Julia Ann Mercer, a23-year-old resident of Dallas, driving a rented white Valiant automobile, was held up in traffic and observed aman dismount from a truck at the foot of the grassy knoll withwhat was obviously a rifle wrapped in brown paper.[41] The driverof the truck, as she subsequently informed uninterested federalinvestigators, was Jack Ruby.[42] Her statement to the federalagents was later revised without her knowledge, in virtuallyevery material respect.[43]

And here are more facts which did not receive world-widedissemination.

The overwhelming majority of witnesses in Dealey Plaza distinctlyheard gunfire from the vicinity of the grassy knoll in front ofthe President’s car.[44] Because of this, the great majorityof the people who were able to act, after they recovered fromtheir shock, ran toward the grassy knoll to search the hiddenarea behind the picket fence.[45] Seven witnesses saw smokedrifting up above the trees on the knoll at the moment of thefiring.[46]

Immediately after the shooting, men were seen running from thepicket fence which stands on the knoll to the front of where thePresident was shot.[47]One of them appeared to be carrying aheadpiece.[48]

Within minutes after the assassination, some men were arrested inback of the grassy knoll by the Dallas police.[49] Photographs ofthem being marched to jail in the custody of police officers weretaken, but in spite of this the official position continues to bethat no one was arrested on that day except Lee Harvey Oswald. Infact, at least nine men were arrested in the vicinity after theassassination. All except one were quietly turned loose afterOswald was arrested, and there is no record of their names. Theninth man was kept in jail for days, even after Oswald’sassassination, for possible investigation by Dallas authoritieswith regard to the President’s murder. His name is notavailable.[50]

The Zapruder film,[51]which clearly shows the effect of theshooting—coming from different directions—on thePresident, leaves no doubt that the fatal shot slammed himbackward and to his left.[52]Unless the laws of physics have been revised, the Zapruder filmclearly indicatesthat the fatal shot came at the President from in front and tothe right of him. After more than six years following theassassination, the Zapruder film is still being withheld from theAmerican people.[53]In the short portion of it which was publishedin the Warren Commission exhibits, frames 314 and 315 were reversed. This reversal confused the question of the effect ofthat bullet which impacted at frame 313 in terms of the direction in which it had propelled the President. This reversal of the frames was admitted later by the director of the FBI.[54]

Numerous witnesses in the vicinity of the President’s carobserved that the shot which tore open his head slammed himbackward and to his left.[55]When the fatal shot struck him, themotorcycle officers to the left rear of the Presidentiallimousine were splattered with blood and brain matter.[56]

In view of these facts, most reasonable men, those who were notin fear of the power of the federal government and who were freeto use their common sense, would conclude that President Kennedywas killed by a shot from in front and to the right of him.However, these facts were not made available to the public. Whatwas made available—and hurtled around the world—wasthe fiction of a lone young warehouse employee crouched savagelybehind the President with the fastest gun since Wyatt Earp.

A coup d'état needs a scapegoat to be thrown to the peopleso that public hostility can be discharged and the new orderaccepted. The impression that there was a case against Lee Oswaldwas created by false statements and leaks to the press whichswept around the globe in minutes. After the image was created,it was quick-frozen by his murder. All that remained was forgovernment officials to explain that everything that happened wasmeaningless and all was well.

There was never a real case, in terms of evidence, againstOswald. There was never even the beginning of a case. There wasno case against him because he had not killed anyone. He too wasa victim, as were the President and the Americanpeople, of a new force in America. Oswald was murdered less than48 hours after the President’s assassination. Within thatshort span, however, the official legend had been created and themodern technology of the media took it from there. Lone assassin... No conspiracy ... Lee Harvey Oswald ... No Conspiracy ...Book depository ... Lone assassin ... No Conspiracy.

Even the accused himself was abandoned by his police guardians,killed and flung to the crowd. As the dead “assassin' hebecame another bauble drawing attention away from theprofessionally handled ambush at Dealey Plaza, rather than a liveand protesting patsy entitled to a full and public trial.

The glitter of the official lies, the tinseled news stories ofthings which never occurred and the epic splendor andthought-numbing grief of the President’s funeral confusedthe eye and confounded understanding. Anyone seeking to inquireinto the meaning of the assassination found himself in anenchanted maze which steadily led him away from reality.

Americans were not yet aware that deception had become a craft intheir country, that an intricate contrivance of men for theclandestine production of illusion had become not only a part ofbut also manipulator of America, its policies and its people. Inthe past, according to the American tradition, evil was somethingwhich could be seen and recognized. In our folklore, evil wore alow-slung gun, confronted you in the open and was defeated by avirtuous heart and a quicker draw.

If, indeed, it were ever that simple, it was no longer. Now itwas possible in America not merely to accomplish the foulestmurder but afterward to remove all stain and make it appear tohave been something less: to make it seem the meaningless act ofa loner, a capricious quirk of fate undeserving of too deep aninquiry. In time, the hidden machinery would casually kill othernational leaders whose commitment to peace made them dangerous tomen committed to war and secret manipulation of the populace.

Behind the stage magic and mocking deception,behind all the ornaments arranged to lure away the eye, massivepower was drawn up in silent array to prevent any effectiveinquiry from disclosing the fact that America had become awarfare state where human sacrifice was practiced not only abroadbut now also at home.

  1. [↩]William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, iii. 2.
  2. [↩] CE 1281.
  3. [↩] CE 1384.
  4. [↩]CE 2606 and 2607.
  5. [↩]CE 180-202.
  6. [↩]Wilcox Exhibits 3005-3015, H,XXI, 744-55.
  7. [↩]CE 2190.
  8. [↩]CE 1960.
  9. [↩]CE 2404.
  10. [↩]CE 1528.
  11. [↩]New York Herald Tribune (December 18, 1964), p. 1.
  12. [↩]H, II, 373.
  13. [↩]H,IV,433.
  14. [↩]CD 931.
  15. [↩]CD 1216.
  16. [↩]CD 631.
  17. [↩]CD 692.
  18. [↩]CD 674.
  19. [↩]CD 321.
  20. [↩]CD 347.
  21. [↩]CD 1054.
  22. [↩]Theodore White, The Making of the President, 1964(New York, Atheneum, 1965), p. 33.
  23. [↩]Ibid.
  24. [↩](a) Immediately after the shooting, Sheriff BillDecker ordered: “get over to the area where theshooting occurred and saturate the area of the park,railroad and all buildings” Decker Exhibit 5323, H,XIX,458.
    (b) Jesse E. Curry, Dallas Chief of Police, driving thelead car, issued the order: “Get a man on top of thetriple underpass to see what happened up there.” CE 705, p. 461.
    (c) Immediately after the shots were fired, numerouslaw enforcement officers and spectators ran towardthe railroad yards in pursuit of suspected assassins. H,II, 181; H,VI,288.
    (d) A man with a headpiece in his hand had beenseen running away from the knoll area immediatelyafter the firing ceased. CE 2003, p. 222; Decker Exhibit 5323, H,XIX, 492.
  25. [↩]Dallas Morning News (November 23, 1963), Section 4, p. 5.
  26. [↩]White, op. cit., p. 33.
  27. [↩]Pierre Salinger, With Kennedy (New York, Avon Books, 1967), p. 10.
  28. [↩]WR 560; H,III, 485, 514.
  29. [↩]The New York Times (November 25, 1963), p. 11.
  30. [↩]Lane, op. cit., pp. 193-94.
  31. [↩]H,VI,451-52.
  32. [↩]CE 2178.
  33. [↩]WR 235.
  34. [↩]H,III,30-31.
  35. [↩]WR 526-27.
  36. [↩]WR 526.
  37. [↩]Vincent J. Salandria, “A Philadelphia Lawyer Analyzes the President’s Back and Neck Wounds,”Liberation (March, 1965), pp. 14-22.
  38. [↩]H,VI,286.
  39. [↩]State of Louisiana v. Clay L. Shaw, testimony of Richard R. Carr, February 19, 1969.
  40. [↩]Ibid. [p. 20]
  41. [↩]Decker Exhibit 5323,H,XIX,483.
  42. [↩]Interview of Jim Garrison with Julia Ann Mercer heldin New Orleans, January 16, 1968.
  43. [↩]Ibid.
  44. [↩]Lane, op. cit., p. 39.
  45. [↩]Ibid., pp. 36-45.
  46. [↩]Ibid., pp. 40-42.
  47. [↩]Decker Exhibit 5323,H,XIX,492.
  48. [↩]Ibid.
  49. [↩]Richard E. Sprague, The Kennedy Assassination(Unpublished, Edition 4, October 15, 1967), p. 7.
  50. [↩]Dallas Times Herald (December 8, 1963), p. 1.
  51. [↩]CE 885.
  52. [↩]Ibid., frames 313-34.
  53. [↩]See ch. 1, n. 5.
  54. [↩]Letter provided by Paul Hoch, dated December 14,1965, signed by J. Edgar Hoover, reprinted in HaroldWeisberg, Photographic Whitewash (Hyattstown,Md., Harold Weisberg, 1967), p. 145.
  55. [↩]CE 1024, p. 731; H,VI,294;H,VII,518.
  56. [↩]H,VI,292,294.

Trials in Tainted Space is a game under active development by Fenoxo & crew.

Mar 23, 2018 - When you come to, you find yourself firmly locked in a reinforced restraining chair. You jerk and try to pull free, but the structure seems to have.

  • 1Characters
  • 3Items
  • 5Universe, Lore & Mechanics
    • 5.3Organizations


Trials in Tainted Space features two different styles of encounter-able characters. Persistent characters have various attributes that may or may not be affected by the players interactions, and are stored in the same manner as the player character's data.

For a more comprehensive breakdown of characters featured in the game, see the Characters category.

Persistent Characters

Persistent characters are usually, though not always, named.

Able - Agrosh - Aina - Akane - Alex - Alex Surf - Aliss - Amara Faell - Amber - Amma - Anarrie - Anno - Anyxine Rhenesunne - Anzhela - Ara Kei - Ardia - Artie - Asennia - Astra - Atha - Attica - Aurora - Ausar Agent - Azra - Beatrice Reasner - Belle - Bess - Bethany Carver - Betsy & Victoria - Big T - Bran Flazingan - Brandt - Brandy - Briget - Briha - Brynn - Burt - Busky - Byron McAllister - Cameron - Canada - Candy - Captain Khorgan - Carrie - Cass - Celise - Ceria - Charles - Chaurmine - Cherry - Chrissy - Chupacabro - Ciaran - Colenso - Commander Schora - Connie - Cora - Crazy Carl - Cruff - Crystal Goo Incubator - Crystalline Shopkeeper - Cynthia - Dally - Dane - Delilah - Demon Queen Syri - Doctor Badger - Doctor Lash - Doctor Lessau - Double-Goo - Dr. Calnor - Dr. Teyaal - Edan - Ehstraffe - Eimear - Elenora Vanderbilt - Ellie - Ellira - Embry - Emmy - Erika - Erra - Estallia - Estie - Fazian - Fei An Strozo - Feruze - Fetch & Carry - Fisianna - Flahne - Forgehound - Frostwyrm - Fyn - Galina - Gene - Geoff - Gianna - Gil - Godi - Gold Squad - Gray Goo Armor - Gray Prime - Gwen - Haley - Hana - Hand So - Heidrun - Henderson - Hepane - Herman - Holiday - Holmes - Horace Decker - Horisha & Peck - Host Shukuchi Agents - Ilaria - Inessa - Irellia - Jade - James - Jardi - Jarvis - Jerome - Jerynn - Jesse - Johr - Julian Haswell - Juro - Kaede - Kalayna - Kally - Kane - Kara - Kase - Kaska - Kat - Kattom Osgood - Kazra & Lorre - Kelly - Kimber - Kirila - Kirlarwe - Kiro - Krissy - Krym - Lane - LDC - Lerris - Liamme - Lieve - Liliana - Linera Gerie - Liriel - Living Kegs - Logan - Lola - Luca - Lund - Lyralla - Lys - Lysander Chow - Mabbs - Maja - Maki - Marik - Marina - Marsail - Matron Oserre - Maximilian Steele - Merchant Queen - Mi'dee - Miko & Mai - Millie - Milly - Milodan War Alpha - Mirian Bragga - Mirrin - Mitzi - Myr Infected Queen - Myrna - Myrra - Naleen Brothers - Natalie Irson - Nayna - Nehzara - Nenne - Nerrasa - Nessa - Nevrie - Nine-tailed Zil - Nivas Oxonef - Nykke - Nyrean Princess - Ogram - Olympia - Orryx - Overseer Maike - Ovir Dancer - Paige - Penny - Petr - Petra - Pexiga - Pippa - Pirate Engineer - Pirate Mercenary - Prai Ellit - Pump-king - Pyra - Quaelle - Queen of the Deep - Queen Taivra - Queensguard - Quenton - Quinn - Ramis - Raskvel Broodmother - Raskvel Traps - Rat Thieves - Reaha - Regina Kasmiran - Renvra - Riley - Rival - Riya - RK Lah - Roo - Roxy - Roz - Rusher - Saec - Saendra - Sally - Sam - Scalla - Scout - Seifyn - Sellera - Sellesy - Semith - Sera - Shade - Shekka - Shelly - Shep Darnock - Shiare - Shizuya - Shock Hopper - Simone - Stella - Steph Irson - Storm Lancer - Sydian Matriarch - Sylvie - Syri - Tam - Tanis - Tarik - Tentacle Gardener - Terensha - Teron - Tessa - Tetra & Mica - The Bronco - The Seer - Tivf - Tlako - Torra - Tuuva - Ula - Ula's Father - Una - Urbolg - Ushamee Neykkar - Vaande - Vahn - Valden - Vark - Vedice - Verusha - Vi - Victor Steele - Walt - Wetra Hound - Wetraxxel Brawler - Xanthe - Xotchi - Yammi - Yancy - Yarasta - Yoma - Zaalt - Zea - Zeke - Zephyr - Zheniya - Zo’dee

Generic Characters

In addition to persistent characters, there are a number of generic encounter-able characters. For most of these, it is heavily implied that the player does not repeatedly encounter the same generic character over and over, and thus, the game does not store a full stat block for these characters without due cause.

There are a few limited exceptions to the rule of these always being a different individual: one example is V-KO. She is both a static character and a repeatable encounter on Mhen'ga; but as a factory-produced machine that is styled to act as a ubiquitous medical dispenser, more V-KO bots are liable to find their way to other planets while using the same 'encounter template' as the one on Mhen'ga. Indeed, there are plans to eventually enable the player to add a version to their ship.

Bored Jumper - Bothrioc Pidemme - Bothrioc Quadomme - Cockvine Adult - Cockvine Seedling - Corona Flamer - Cunt Snake - Cyberpunk Security Operatives - Daer Wormling - Deconstruction Unit - Doll Maker - Dr. Khan - Essyra Marion - Excavation Robot - Fenris Drone - Firewall - Frog Girl - Gabilani Vacationers - Ganrael Ambusher - Ganrael DeadEye - Ganraen Knight - Gold Remnant Brute - Gold Remnant Soldier - Gray Goo - Infected Crew Members - Korgonne Barbarian Female - Korgonne Raider Male - Lapinara Parasitic Female - LDC - Machina - Milodan Infiltrator - Milodan Male - Milodan Priestess - Milodan Temptress - Milodan War Lion - Mimbrane - Mining Robot - Myr Infected Female - Naleen Female - Naleen Futa - Naleen Male - Naleen Mating Ball - Nym-Foe - Nyrean Huntress - Nyrean Praetorian - Pirate - Pirate Juggernaut - Raskvel Female - Raskvel Gang - Raskvel Turret - Rat Thieves - Red Commando - Red Myr Guard - Red Zil Male - Rocket Pods - Rodenian Mechanic - Sand Worm - Security Droid - Security Drone - Security Robots - Sex Bot - Siegwulfe - Slamwulfe - Slaver Attendant - Slyveren Slavebreaker - Sydian Female - Sydian Male - Tentacle Gardener - The Pollen Dancers - V-KO - Vanae Huntress - Vanae Maiden - Varmint - Venus Pitcher Elder - Venus Pitcher Young - Venus Zil Trap - Zil Female - Zil Hornet - Zil Hoverfly - Zil Male - Zil Tribe


The game features a number of different location styles, each of which generally aims towards an overriding theme or approach to the content made available at that location. See Category:Locations for more detailed breakdowns of locations.


  • Ausaril (Invitation: Between December 22 to December 28 (real time). Can only visit once)
  • Poe A (Invitation: At 00:00 (in-game time) between October 26 to October 31 (real time), or a random 1/100 chance. Can only visit once)


  • Casstech Z14 (Your ship)
  • Blade (Kiro's ship)
  • The Phoenix (Saendra's ship)
  • Black Rose (Mirian's ship)
  • Talon Rogue (Kaede's ship)
  • Great Majin (Shizuya's ship)

Space Stations:

  • Tavros (Starting location)
  • Canadia (Invitation: Kiro or Delilah, or giving Krissy a lift)
  • Gastigoth (Invitation is received after completing the Stellar Tether quest.)
  • Breedwell (Invited after having 5 kids or donating 500,000 ml of cum to cockmilker.)


  • Mhen'ga (Inmediately available. First probe)
  • Tarkus (Available after locating the first probe)
  • New Texas (Invited after a day has passed)
  • Myrellion (Available after locating the second probe)
  • Zheng Shi (Available after locating the third probe)
  • Uveto (Zaalt distress call at lvl 6+ or after obtaining the third probe and progressing through Shade's storyline)


  • Stellar Tether (Tarkus. Main storyline. Second probe)
  • Queen Taivra's Palace ( Myrellion. Main storyline. Third probe)
  • Ghost Deck (Anno's storyline)
  • Pirate Base (Kara's storyline)
  • Kashima (Distress call: between October 24 to November 7 (real time). Lvl 7+. Travelling to or from Myrellion)
  • Munitions Factory (Myrellion. Optional Federation Quest.)
  • Akkadi Research Facility (Uveto. Optional Syri Quest)


For information about equipment and consumable items, see the items category.


Items that can be physically equipped to a character.

Armor - Melee Weapon - Ranged Weapon - Shield Generator - Accessory - Clothing - Lower Undergarment - Upper Undergarment - Piercing



Items that are consumed to attain various effects.

Transformative Item - Restorative Item - Combat Consumable

Other Items

Items that either don't fall under the former categories or otherwise have alternate uses.

Toys - Miscellaneous Item - Key Item - Unique Item

Game & Engine Mechanics

For information about internal mechanics, formulas, and other implementation specifics, see Category:Game mechanics

Addiction - Alcohol Consumption - Alignment - Appearance - Bad Ends - Combat Mechanics - Exertion - Exhibitionism - Minigames - Perks - Pregnancy - Racial Score - Special Ability - SSTD -Taint

Universe, Lore & Mechanics

There are several components that make up the TiTS universe. Some can be found below.

History and Lore

General story details and bits of background history on some events that have an impact in the TiTS universe.

Dumbfuck - Gush - Planet Rush - TiTS History - Treatment

How to spawn rat thieves? | Fenoxo Forums


Applicable races found throughout the TiTS-verse. Note that not every single race encountered is listed. For more creature variants, see Category:Creatures

Anatae - Ausar - Bothrioc - Cundarian - Cylirian - Daynar - Dzaan - Essyra - Fanfir - Fhan’i - Gabilani - Galotian - Ganrael - Gryvain - Hilinara - Human - Huskar - Kaithrit - Kalabast - Kerokoras - Korgonne - Kui-tan - Lapinara - Laquine - Leithan - Lureling - Milodan - Myr - Naleen - Nyrea - Ovir - Rahn - Raskvel - Rodenians - Roehm - Saeri - Saurmorian - Siel - Simii - Sionach - Spinarran - Suula - Sydian - Tarratch - Thraggen - Tove - Vanae - Venus Pitcher - Vildarii - Vulkrim - Wetraxxel - Xhelarfog - Zil


Various organizations or companies that have presence in TiTS.


Aegis - Akkadi R&D - Bell-Isle/Grunmann - Camarilla - Carver Catering Company - Humphard Incorporated - Ice Teats - JoyCo - J’ejune Pharmaceutical - KihaCorp - Lapinara Sanctuary - Pyrite Industries - Reaper Armaments - RhenWorld - Snugglé - Steele Tech - Tamani Corp - Xenogen Biotech


Black Void - Gilden Republic - Gryvain Heartland Republic - Joint Ausar Federation - Mechanus League - Nova Securities - Scarlet Federation - Terran-Space Coalition - United Galactic Confederacy


Church of the One God - Followers of the Infinite Aspect - Followers of The Tear - Sky Mother - Star Seekers - Stormguard - Zyi


Information on technology found in TiTs either as a tangible object or conceptual vocabulary.

Artificial gravity - Artificial Intelligence - Codex - Hardlight - Hologram - Horse-Cock - Light drive - Medical Technology - Repulsor - Steele Tech Probe - Sublight engine - Warp tunnel


Trail In Tainted Space Wiki

There's a handy list of templates to be used when adding Wiki content regarding TiTS. See Contributing

Dr Badger Trials In Tainted Space

More Trials In Tainted Space Rat Thieves Images

And a list with content that needs to be created and/or updated. See To Do List


Can Anyone Explain To Me How You Are Meant To Beat The Rat ...

Trials In Tainted Space Character

The location of the main game itself can be found at the official Trials in Tainted Space website.

Eyebeam license key generator. For reference information on submitting written material to the TiTS game itself. See Writing Reference

For reference information on possible cheats and/or exploits in the TiTS game. See Cheat List

For reference information on editing a TiTS save game file (not recommended). See Save Editing

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